Coming To Town

It's hard to decide which genius quote best represents the seemingly mundane decision I made to open up the NY Times Classifieds section on a Saturday afternoon, instead of the usual Sunday morning. At first I thought it might be...
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It's funny the way certain points in your life, your career, your world as a whole, seem to line up rather serendipitously. Happy accidents that foster change for the better, without really planning it ahead of time, but fall into...
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Not long after Money & You, I took a short workshop in Mastery, and the one big take-away for me was when the instructor told us how he studies stand-up comedy. It wasn’t about the jokes or getting big laughs,...
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The burly, bearded man addressed us in an accent of proper Queen’s English mixed with some heavy Brooklynese, “Imagine spending your life climbing the corporate ladder only to find out when you reach the top that it’s up against the...
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At the closing of Money & You, they threw one more thought-provocation at me that needed to be answered privately, in my weekend’s conference notebook: “If money were no object, and therefore not a concern of yours, what would you...
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